Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My Dilemma--Need Opinions

I want so very much to like all these paranormals coming out and so I try them... even purchase the ones the library doesn't get--well, except the JR Ward because I don't care for those. The problem is, I don't like them very much.

I think part of the reason is that some of the books have so much world building in the first one-third of the book that it drags and then I end up giving up. Other times there are just things that happen that I can't believe--even in paranormal. I started one (not naming title) that came out recently and got as far as chapter two, I believe. I set it aside because I really had a problem with the fact that in chapter one she's hurt then in chapter two she's having sex, and not gentle sex either. My thought is, even if she's only part human, does she heal that quickly that she's not in pain? I mean she's got stitches for Pete's sake.

So my question to you is... how do you suspend your belief system to continue on even after you just know stuff like that absolutely positive cannot happen--were, vamp, demon, slayer, or any other paranormal being? Do you overlook things? Ignore them? Or do you just accept that it is the way it is in a paranormal romance?

5 People Gabbed:

Amie Stuart said...

Honestly, I think in part because I've always been fascinated with the paranormal and a big sci-fi geek (admirer whatever) that I have a pretty high "suspension of disbelief" threshold.

Funny enough I'm much more likey to "buy" something like say a female werewolf doing a late-night radio talkshow about the supernatural (ala carrie vaughn who I LOVE. Sidenote: with her it seems that the worldbuilding is *such* an integral part of the story that you don't really notice it. That said they're not really romances so your happiness may vary) vs a woman who falls in love in 48 hours which, barring some SUPERB execution, I won't buy.

nath said...

LOL, it's going to sound bad on my part, but seriously, when I read... I don't ask myself too much questions. Whatever the authors dish at me, I read it and accept it... whether it's paranormal, historicals, contemps... it has to be really in-my-face wrong for me to do "huh" and ask myself if it's possible ^_^; Sad no?

Lori said...

You and I have such similar reading tastes, Anne (the whole historical thing aside...but you're coming around *g*). My issue is just I find that I often can't relate to the characters in a paranormal, and for me, that's a killer. Either they are too outlandish, too over-the-top, too freakish, too helpless, or too something else. And if I can't relate to a character, even in some small miniscule way (sex aside), then the book just doesn't connect with me either.

Or I find myself wondering how on earth the heroine (or hero) could be having sex with the other one. Sometimes the ick factor just gets to me. That's happened in a few shapeshifters or even vampire books that I've tried.

Christine said...

Hi Anne,
Oh no!!! Were you reading Pleasure Unbound? ;) If that is the book you are referring to, I actually loved it. lol Honestly, I didn't really think about the rough sex hours after having your side stitched up. I don't know... I guess in a paranormal world, like Amie, I have a high threshold for "suspension of disbelief."

Anne said...

Yep, Christine, that's the one. But, I've not completely given up. I'll pick it up again here in a few days. I think it's the writer in me that makes me so critical. Sigh.