Monday, October 01, 2007

Meeting Great Friends...

Saturday was our So Cal Blogger Get Together. My day started early, as I had to head out to Nikki's place so we could carpool. I've met Nikki before, and we got along like gangbusters. So, I headed out around 9:15 to her place. She lives around 30 minutes from me, but I needed a Starbucks fix of a Why Bother Mocha and needed to fill up with gas. (nonfat, decaf, no-whip, you get the picture... why bother... and no jokes about the coffee then the gas, as my hubby did). So I got to Nikkis'a at just after 10, and we transferred all my books to her van (after oohing and aahing over each other's selections, of course *g*).

Then we loaded up her daughter, who immediately passed out for her nap, and headed out to meet everyone else. There was (dare I say it) absolutely no traffic, and we made it in record time. We had lots of time to wander through Borders before everyone else got there, and I immediately noticed Mine Til Midnight sitting on the new releases table. Score!! (I finished it on the plane ride from Burbank to Dallas, BTW - more on that later). There were only about 5 copies. So Nikki and I each grabbed one and we knew the rest would be eaten up by our fellow bloggers, so we grabbed those as well.

A few minutes later, Rosie came in. I immediately felt like I'd known her for years. How awesome is that? We started talking books and life immediately. She is still all fired up over JRAW's LU. LMAO! It was a major topic of conversation all day *g* Go on, just ask her the page number where JRW lost her.

Soon thereafter, Wendy, Rowena and Daphne came in. After a bit of bookhunting, we decided not to wait around for Holly, and headed off to eat lunch next door at The Cheesecake Factory (yum!).

Conversation flowed, and Holly arrived in her brand spankin' new SUV, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. We chatted about books, blogging, life, and all the fun stuff that friends gossip about. I felt like I'd known these women forever. It was a truly wonderful thing. Every time I've met up with friends I've made online, I've been so fortunate (with a couple of exceptions here and there) to have connected really well with all of them, and can honestly say what really nice women they are. Cause let's face it... with the internet, you just never know what you're gonna get. We could have all been some freaky weird people. So without further ado, here are the freaky weird people I hung out with on Saturday :) (taken with my phone, cause of course, I forgot my camera!)

Thanks to Rosie for coordinating everything, and thanks to all my fellow bloggers/friends for rearranging their schedules around my work travel so I could be there.

Here's all of us

Wendy, Daphne, and Rowena


6 People Gabbed:

Wendy said...

I would be the freakishly huge one LOL

Holly said...

Or maybe the rest of us are all just vertically challenged. LOL

Lori, I had a FAB time and I'm so glad we were able to Gab! :)

I can't wait to do it again.

Daphne said...

Hi Lori. I feel bad that I've never dropped by here before, but now you're on my list of daily reads. =)

I just wanted to say thank you again for coming out. I had a great time laughing, joking and spending good quality girl time together.


Rosie said...

Lori, thanks for posting the pictures. Loved the talk AND the book swapping. I've finished MINE TILL MIDNIGHT also. What did you think?

Lori said...

Rosie, I really liked it. A lot. But it didn't have that spark that I want from a LK. Do you know what I mean?

Lori said...

Oh, and I just reviewed it over at Don't Talk.