Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Squeeing Fangirl Moment...

I'll keep it brief. Heh heh. One of my favorite authors of all time, THE Susan Mallery, is over blogging on Riding With The Top Down. Wheeeee! This is my SECOND interaction with her in a week! Woot! Over on The Midnight Hour, Alexis Morgan asked:

if you could meet any writer, past or present, and talk to them about their stories, who would you choose??? What would you say???

My answers were my usual... Nora Roberts and Susan Mallery. And Susan responded to my comment. Squeee! It may not mean much to you all, but I just love Ms. Mallery's work. (To paraphrase Karen) Love it like a fat kid loves cake... chocolate cake even, with bettercreme frosting! So this was a HUGE moment for me. Big squeeing fangirl moment.

Hey Bob... WOOT! LOL

And here's what I get to look forward to from Ms. Mallery very, very soon... Ordered and currently enroute from THEN The Sheik and the Christmas Bride coming out in November! SHEIKS! WOOOOT!

5 People Gabbed:

Rosie said...

We'd have to pick just ONE? Yikes, I don't think I could do that.

Nora we'd be on my list though. Linda Howard, Lavryle Spencer, Suzanne Brockmann, man...I can think of so many.

Rosie said...

OMG, Jennifer Crusie. I'd love to have dinner with her and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Okay, I'll stop now.

Jenster said...

Seeing as how I'm a fat kid who loves chocolate cake with buttercream frosting - I'm VERY EXCITED FOR YOU!! :o)

Erin the Innocent said...

I don't think I could go anywhere like RT. I'd have way too many fangirl moments and would probably pass out from the excitement. Then friends like Jaynie (:P )would pose me and take embarrassing pictures LOL

sybil said...

yay someone else who adores mallery... tres cool she answered you ;)