Friday, July 13, 2007

8 Things About Me, According to Jennifer B

Holly tagged me for this and I immediately thought of Jennifer, because she's one of my bestest friends ever and she gets me. She reads between the lines and "sees" me, always. Sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself. Love you, Jen! ((HUGS))

A. Each player gets a loved one to list 8 facts/habits about the player from the loved ones point of view.
B. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

  1. A just-do-it personality, right now. More productive than most people I know.
  2. Has a sophisticated laugh, tinkley and feminine. It's infectious too.
  3. A Momma Bear, fiercely protective, but warm and soft.
  4. Supportive listener.
  5. Hip music officiondo.
  6. A seductive writer.
  7. Loyal caregiver to family and friends.
  8. Did I mention productive?
See? She gets me, though I'm not sure I'm as productive as she thinks I am, but shhhh. Let's not tell. :-) I look at that list and am kinda surprised. I am all those things, I just didn't see it myself. I guess sometimes we don't see all our good qualities, but I'm glad others do. :-)

Thanks, again, Jen! You totally ROCK!

I'm supposed to tag 8 other people, but I have to think of who cause Holly tagged a few people I would have. Let's see...

1. Jennifer B(I'll return the favor if you'd like?)
2. Kate.
3. Erin.
4. Jaynie.
5. Rosie.
6. Lauren Dane.
7. Ann Wesley Hardin.
8. Jenster.

7 People Gabbed:

Linda said...

I can personally vouch for #4, you are a wonderfully supportive listener. (Fondly remembering the LF Weekend.) Oh yeah, and the seductive writer part too! heh heh May I also add that you are an awesome storyteller. Truly masterful, sweetie.

Holly said...

I could tell all of those except #2 just by reading your blog.

Isn't it great to have friends who see in us what we would never recognize ourselves?

Rosie said...

Anne, someone already nabbed me for this one. If you want, you can see them here.

Jenster said...

Great list!! No wonder I like you, cyberly speaking.

I'll have Todd work on a list, though I'm a little frightened.

Lori said...

Nodding in agreement with all of these.

Jaynie said...

you know I hate these things damnit. Trying to torture me - sheesh, *grumble grumble*


Jennifer B. said...

Yes, please do Anne. LOL Email them to me and I'll post.