Saturday, June 24, 2006

My baby is growing up!

OMEverlovingG!!! Now, you all have heard me brag on my fabulous oldest child. Did I tell you that he won the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence at 6th grade graduation? His comment? Oh geez, it's got his signature on it - do we have to hang it up? Thankfully, he waited until we got home to make this comment. He's so politically aware - and he has formed his opinions all on his own. Honest. He watched all the presidential debates in the last election, studied all the ballot measures and propositions, asked questions and formed his own opinions. Tonight at dinner, we discussed why suicide bombers do what they do. Heavy stuff for an 11 year old. I couldn't be prouder of him.

So several months ago, I posted about how freaked I was because he was growing armpit hair. Tonight as my precious little baby was getting ready for the shower I hear "Mom! I've got hair in places I never had hair before!" ACK! "I said "You have hair down there?" "Yup," says he. As I picked my jaw up off the floor, I whisper to hubby, "Do you think he'd freak if I asked to see it?", and snickered.

It is actually a really good thing that he is hitting puberty early and with a vengeance, zits and all, because he skipped a grade, and this will ensure that he is on an even footing with his classmates physically, but OMFG! He literally just turned 11. This month.

OK, deep breath. He does still call me mommy. It's all good.

5 People Gabbed:

Anne said...

Holy guacamole! Sounds like my house but my boys are 16 and 14. You've got an early bloomer there. LOL

LOL... "Do you think he'd freak if I asked to see it?" LMFAO! You crack me up.

This word verification sucks, I've got rhjobnna WTF? Does it NEED to be THAT long? CRIPES!

Linda said...

What a hoot! You had me falling out of my chair, I was laughing so hard. Hope none of his friends know about your blog. ;) But OMG I can't believe an 11 yr old is going through puberty. That's a shocker.


Lori said...

I wsa an early bloomer, too, Linda. Guess he takes after me. Dad says he didn't start til much later LOL.

Kristie (J) said...

You know you hear about young girls hitting puberty early but not that much about boys. My youngest was actually late. He showed not interest in girls whatsoever until about 18 or 19. The oldest one on the other hand got in trouble in kindergarten for having the girls climb up the monkey bars and looking under their skirts. *sigh*. Sounds like your son has a wonderful head on his shoulders :)

Mailyn said...

LMAO! OMG don't ask him that, poor kid you will scar him for life! LOL :)