Saturday, March 18, 2006

In the immortal words of Rodney King...

Can't we all just get along? The fur has been flying over the last few days in our romance blog community, thanks to a certain few posts over at Jaynie's blog. Everyone has an opinion, as well we should. I myself have an opinion, and haven't been shy about giving it to anyone who's asked me. I think, though, that a couple important things have been overlooked here.

First, everybody has feelings. Is anyone else familiar with Marriage Encounter? I grew up in a ME home, where my parents loved to spout off at us, "Feelings are neither right nor wrong; they just are." Growing up, that drivel just bugged the crap out of me, but as an adult, I can certainly understand the point. I feel uncomfortable in a group where the overwhelming majority appear to support an extramarital affair. I feel uncomfortable when my opinion is poo-poed and given little consideration... so little, in fact, that it seemed as though it was 'shut up or get out'. This doesn't make me wrong or right.. it's just how I feel. I'm sure others don't feel that way. That doesn't make them wrong or right. It's just how they feel. (Except of course, when I'm explaining this all to my man to die for, then I'm right and everyone else is wrong. *g*). We have to accept that others may not feel the same as we do. If you can live with that, and still appreciate their other qualities, and overlook the things you don't like or approve of, then you get over it all and move past it. If not, then you pack up your things and go. Which brings me to my second point.

This is the internet. With a few rare exceptions, most of us know each other only from the chatting that we've done online. Yes, thank heavens, most of us are honest, forthright people. But there are a few crackpots out there. Do we know who they are? Probably not. That's the risk you take when you choose to have relationships over the internet. Now, don't anybody go getting their knickers in a twist. I'm not calling anybody a crackpot! I'm just saying that the relationships that we've forged, while some are quite close, all have to be looked at realistically. We really don't know who that person over the computer line is. So I choose to take everything with an extra grain of salt. Cynical? Perhaps. Cocooning and a safety net? You bet.

So, where am I going with all this? Damned if I know. But wherever you stand on the issue, remember that we all have feelings... no one deserves to be bashed indiscriminately. I have no problem voicing my displeasure with someone. Damn, I do it all the time. I just think it can be done in such a way that allows everyone to see our own side of the story (whether they agree with it or not).

While it's important for us all to support our friends, isn't one of the roles of a good friend to let your pal know when you think they're making a big-ass mistake? In our desire to be supportive, it's easy to forget that. It's easy to say, "they didn't ask for my opinion," or "it's none of my business." (Frankly, that last one doesn't fly, since it was out there every day, making it everyone's business, but I digress...). I'm as guilty as the next person. I chose to show my displeasure and disapproval by keeping my mouth shut. I did not participate in the cheerleading for the relationship. But, since I consider this person to be my friend, otherwise, I do still choose to participate in other conversations with her. So, I repeat (to myself), While it's important for us all to support our friends, isn't one of the roles of a good friend to let your pal know when you think they're making a big-ass mistake? In our desire to be supportive, it's easy to forget that.

OK, I've shot my wad on this whole topic. Love fest over.

9 People Gabbed:

Anne said...

See, I knew this topic would make it over here eventually. LMAO! Over on Jaynie's blog, Christine kept saying over and over something to the effect that we shouldn't judge the adultress author because if we look in the mirror we aren't perfect either.

Well, here's my response to that, and it pretty much sums up my thoughts on the entire... so, as posted in a comment on JaynieR's blog under the heading of Dear Rabid Chick Fans--
To all those who belong to the group and find nothing wrong with this kind of public display of amorality... here's the post:

I've seen myself in the mirror and I can honestly say... I've never cheated on my husband, my taxes, or on anything for that matter. Is my past flawless? Hell no! But does it contain anything nearly as damning as adultery? A clearly resounding and adamant HELL NO! Why? Because I HAVE MORALS.

And do I support said person/author by going along with whatever is said on the group and actually participating in any discussions? No, but it seems you do.

Before you get bent out of shape and defensive, let me explain my reasoning... just by participating, you are enabling and in a round-about-way supporting this affair. Is it wrong? You bet your ass!

Is it wrong that author #2 does nothing to stop this from happening on her group? Yes! Why? Because by NOT stopping this VERY public display of adultery, she is enabling it and also in a round-about-way supporting it.

Will I stop buying author #2's books because of it? No.

Will I ever buy a book by the adulteress? NEVER.

Do I think this is morally repugnant? YES. Am I taking a holier-than-thou stance? Yes. Why? Because it's something that I'd NEVER in a million years do to my spouse or anyone elses no matter WHAT the situation. Why wouldn't I do it? Because it would devastate me to be on the receiving end of such flagrant disloyalty and selfishness from my spouse and the woman in question.

Just my 2 cents.

Lori said...

LOL - I just figured you would post on it first. I waited and waited...

Kristie (J) said...

Interesting post - and I've checked out Jaynie's blog too.

What I wanted to say is I find your poll question fascinating. I love AI and sadly I voted yes - I think her weight will affect the voting fans of AI - and I hate that I voted yes - and that I stronly believe there is an unacknowledged prejudice against plus size people.

Jaynie said...

Hey Lori

I have to say the last few days I've really appreciated your support on this topic. Don't know if you've noticed but the general masses aren't speaking to me on that loop anymore *snort* - I think they think if they ignore me I'll go away - nope.

Anne - thanks for commenting on my blog too. You said it a lot better than me lol.

Lori said...

Jaynie, I stand by it - EVERYONE has a right to say what they think. No ifs, ands, or butts. I admire you for speaking out. Like I said, I've kept my mouth shut. It's my natural role as a peacemaker to try to smooth things over and make everyone happy.

But if all this forces decisions to be made, or at least forces anyone to even think about the effects of their decisions on their lives or others' lives, professional or personal, then you have done an excellent thing here.

And I will ALWAYS support a friend :)

Anne said...

You know Jaynie, if they don't talk to you anymore, it's their loss. You had every right to say what you said and I agreed with every single word of it. I'm not sure I said it better than you, I was just pissed off at Christine for trying to make us all seem like WE were the bad guys here for pointing out someone blatantly committing adultery... her "look in the mirror" comment was the thing that did me in and that was it for me... I had to sound off. If she never talks to me again, so be it.

Hopefully said author #2 will do something about the situation, but being as KarenS blogged about this months ago and nothing changed, actually got worse with the physical relationshiop being consummated... so I doubt nothing will be different any time soon. Oye.

Anonymous said...

This is so much one of those touchy subjects like when you are asked, "If you knew your friend's husband was cheating on her, would you tell, even if it would cost you the friendship." My answer would be yes, because I could not participate in the deception the husband is perpetrating on the wife/my friend with my silence. Everyone's moral code is different, but when behavior is so blatant as to challenge/offend individuals right or wrong, so much in the face that individuals simply cannot look the other way, it's going to cause reactions.

People do a lot of crap online feeling safe in the buffer of anonimity. They do a lot of things they wouldn't do otherwise, not realizing when something is on the internet it is in writing forever, free to be excavated at the curious's will from archives, friends harddrives, etc, free to be brought forth maybe at a time when people would rather be past that "period" in their life or career.

I know for sure if I ever got to be a popular enough writer that I caught the press' eye, I wouldn't want "snatches" of these loop conversations blindsiding me in interviews, however, that would be the thing the press would latch onto as that would be the more "sensational" angle. Pretty much for me, I'm not so much astounded that this stuff goes on (I know it does on the personal chat loops and hook up loops) as I'm just shocked they are going on on a loop so closely linked with an author's professional identity.

I actually feel quite, well, naive as a result.

Hmm, maybe this is more proof that I realy am prim and can use it against the nay sayers. *big grin*

Jaynie said...

lol, thanks guys. I think things are improving. I said I was going to leave but I've since had seperation anxiety. Communication is up again so who knows? it's wait and see time lol.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristie, I voted yes on the Mandisa poll too, and I think she's fab!