Thursday, June 05, 2008

New Four Things Meme

Devon started this meme this morning. Love it!

Four Jobs People Only Seem To Have In Romance Novels:

1) Elite military and/or government agency position (Ranger, SEAL, Special Forces, DEA, CIA, and all the fictional agencies conceived and operated on the downlow)
2) Highly successful business owner Type I: guys who take their experience—see item 1—and turn them into contracted services (detective agencies, security services, pilots)
3) Highly successful business owners Type II: underdogs who turn out to be far more successful than established corporations
4) Pack leaders or reigning vampires

Four Movie Stars I Wish Characters Would Not Be Compared To:

1) Brad Pitt
2) Tom Cruise
3) Gerard Butler
4) And all the rest of them

I agree with Devon, this is a personal pet peeve for me. Let me envision the characters for myself.

Four Places That Corner The Real Estate Market:

1) Remote wilds of the Pacific Northwest
2) California
3) The Bayou
4) Dallas

Four Places That Would Really Probably Not Be A Fun Spot For Sex:

Hmmmmm, two things. First, I'm no good at remembering the location of sex in my reads, LOL. And two, sex pretty much anywhere works for me. If it’s good sex.

Four Types Of Heroes That Would Be Crappy Husband Material In Real Life:

1) Elite military and/or government agency position (Ranger, SEAL, Special Forces, DEA, CIA, and all the fictional agencies conceived and operated on the downlow); like Devon said—too dangerous
2) Shapeshifters – inconvenient I’ll bet and hell on the wardrobe
3) Vampires – not enough Neosporin in the world for all those bites
4) DOMs – occasional kink might be fun but marriage has to be an equal partnership

2 People Gabbed:

Devon said...


Gerard Butler! There was another I knew I'd seen recently, and the name was eluding my grasp, but I think it was him.

Jennifer B. said...

LOL This was a great meme Devon! I tried to comment on your blog to let you know I did it over here, but my comment wouldn't stick.