Sunday, May 18, 2008

Know What Annoys Me?

When I'm reading a book and a character starts a thought--internal or otherwise--and then that thought doesn't get completed until one or two paragraphs later and I totally lose my train of thought and have no clue what the character is talking about unless I go back and look at the first part of the thought again. Sigh. Annoying. What's even worse is when the second part of the thought has nothing to do with the first part, like the author lost her own place. Oye.

Just saying.

3 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...

Ya know... that actually sounds a lot like how MY trains of thought progress.


It's almost scary when I'm tired.

Holly said...

You know what annoys me? When the H/H (or other characters) are in the middle of some great dialogue and then one of them goes off on a 3 page inner monologue and they never go back to the dialogue.

Case in Point:

A book I'm reading right now..the hero asks the heroine a questions, which prompts her to begin thinking about her past and childhood and blah blah, and four pages later when she finally emerges from her inner self, the hero has moved on like he never asked a Q to being with.


Linda said...

I'm with Holly. I get so annoyed when someone goes off in a reverie in the middle of a conversation. By the time they get back to it, I have to look back to figure out what they were talking about.

I can't recall the thought processes getting interrupted, unless it's intentional and part of the action.