Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Annoyed... and a snicker.

First off...

Second, to my friends and family who don't seem to get the fact that just because I work at home doesn't mean I don't work!!! I do transcription. Work is hectic--extremely busy. Beyond busy. We are behind and when we are behind, they monitor us... which I have mentioned to the F & F but doesn't seem to matter. See, they seem to think, I work at home so I don't have to do anything to earn the money I earn. PFFT. I beg to differ...

I get paid by the line.
No lines = no money.
No money is bad.

No lines =getting fired.
Getting fired = no money.
No money is bad.

Am I speaking in foreign tongues?

The snicker... my youngest son, Mike, was having trouble hearing out of his left ear. I figure wax. So, I get the ear looker thingie and sure enough... HUGE chunk of wax. Disgusting. Blech. Can't get it out. We resort to drastic measures. He's leaning over the kitchen sink and I'm spraying water in his ear trying to flush this piece of wax out. We were unsuccessful in our mission. Heh. But it was funny and good for many, many laughs. Water EVERYWHERE.. which, thankfully, dries on its own. *G*

6 People Gabbed:

Amie Stuart said...

OMG I just had to yell at my youngest child about my deadline and NO i don't want to play Spongebob Life!

Also...did you try peroxide? Have him lay down, waxy ear up and put a little peroxide in and let it set, kinda work the ear a little and it might float out *gag* yes I've done this too LOL

Wendy said...

What Amie said :) Try a little hydrogen peroxide.

Sarah McCarty said...

Okay. *putting away cinnamon coffee cake* I'm officially calling the ear wax thing TMI!!! Gack!

Stacy~ said...

Sorry about the f&f not getting it. That can be beyond irritating.

And I'm w/ Sarah on the ear wax - ick! LOL

Lori said...

LMAO!!! Laughing at the Mike thing. Hello?! At 16, clean out your own damn ears dude!! Please tell me hygiene improves. Jeff... fastidious. Steve... not so much. Must be a younger son thing.

And I'm SO with you on the work thing. Even though I'm not at home, my mom calls "to chat" all the time. And gets pissed when I'm either abrupt or can't chat. Duh.

Amie Stuart said...

Lori my youngest son would never change his clothes or brush his teeth if I didn't nag at him *ggg* (HE IS 12).

As to the people....I swear that's why I dont answer the phone!