Thursday, February 14, 2008

Workin' for the Weekend

Seriously, I wonder if it's normal to think EVERY DAY about quitting one's current job.

Because in all honesty, I contemplate it daily. And a number of times each day.

See, I don't like my day job. I have it to pay the bills. There's nothing I particularly love about it. I originally took it because it was closer to home. Really, that's the only reason why. You all didn't know me in my past job, but I drove 2 hours every day through Boston traffic, and it killed me. So I took this job, lower pay, less work, because it was much closer to home, and I didn't have to get on the highway at all.

But, I've been here for a year and a half and I'm BORED TO TEARS. My skills aren't utilized. It was like the position was defined by the last person who had it, who was not very good with computers, didn't have a lot of people skills, and didn't get grammar. And despite my many, many attempts, they have not upped the work at all, have not thought it important to challenge me one iota. I'm bored, plain and simple, and feel unappreciated.

Plus, it's CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY busy from November-Feb 1st, and then it DIES.

There's. Nothing. To. Do.

In some ways it's a blessing, because I have Whiskey Creek stuff to plan, editing to do, writing to do, and I get paid for it. But honestly, I'd rather just not get paid and sit at home where it's comfortable and I could get other things done, too.

This is just painful.

My only ray of sunshine is that I only have this for another 4 months, just until baby comes. Then I'm hitting up the maternity leave then LEAVING. Due to finances, I will still have to have a part time job, but it won't be here, and it won't be full time.

Sorry to rant on you all. The boredom has gotten to me. :-P

2 People Gabbed:

Anne said...

(((HUGS))) See, I like my day job, but I work full- AND part-time. If I could just do the full-time, I'd be good. I mean, it's not SUPER bad as I get to transcribe from home, but 56-60 hour work weeks are beginning to drag me down. I'm sick A LOT lately. But, whatever. I'm hoping to be done with this soon.

I only WISH I had a job that was boring. Jeez. I'd be writing or reading ebooks. Man, how I miss those days before we had a minimum line count *G*

Lori said...

Totally normal. I think about quitting every day, too!! If I didn't have a kid just a couple years away from college, I'd be outta here!
