Saturday, October 06, 2007

Calgon! Take Me Away!

Anybody out there ever feel like their life was spinning out of control and they couldn't get it to stop? Well, I'm feeling like that today, and I don't like it one damn bit!

Oh, and my husband? He needs anti-depressants. Seriously. Can't stand him right now. Thank goodness he's got a doctor's appt on the 24th and I'm going to be there. I'm telling everything. God, is it June yet? Sigh.

5 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...


I jsut want to run away a lie is getting in the way of my writing. Always something. *sigh* I'm behind schedule now and must catch up.

Anonymous said...

Okay. That's what I get for typing before coffee. I meant life not lie. *Sigh*

Rosie said...

Oh, Anne, I'm so sorry you are having a bad time right now. It's unfortunate you have to wait until the 24th for your purge. Hang in there kiddo.

Lori said...

((((Anne)))) You know I'm there for you my friend. I'm home now, and done running around for the time being, so if you need a friendly ear...

Karen Scott said...

((((((big hug for you)))))))