Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Some Random. Rambling Thoughts About Moving

  1. This morning, I saw Sarah’s post over at Smart Bitches—about her and her DH organizing office space. Seems they found a ridiculous supply of cables. LOL Ditto here. During our move, we found enough cable and phone wire to start our own supply house. So much for the wireless age.
  2. And technology of a different sort…pictures. When we went digital, I simply stopped having pictures printed. End result? Every framed snapshot I have is at least 5 to 10 years old. Which means that my 4-year old features in none of them. If you want to see him, you have to hop on the computer. LOL Note: I’ve rectified that situation and even went so far as to have pics printed for our non-Internet-using family members. Add points for being a good Mom.
  3. In the midst of our move, a friend dropped off a monster-sized tote of clothes for G—clothes that belonged to her 10-year old son. I sorted through them one night after G went to bed. Ended up keeping some for myself. Yep—seems boys tees sized 10-12 make for ultra-cute chick tops. They also serve as pseudo sports bras—holding those things up right where they belong. LOL (Subtract good Mom points for pilfering son’s future wardrobe.)
  4. On the flipside of technology, I’ve never been more aware of how OLD our collective stuff is. Most of our furniture belonged to DH’s Mom—the high-end quality stuff you don’t easily find today. It’s beautiful—and I wouldn’t trade it—but it does occasionally amaze me that my best pieces are upwards of 40 years old. Add to that the fact that we’ve been married for 11 years and you can picture the age of our smaller kitchen appliances, dishes, etc. LOL Vintage is in, right?
  5. And speaking of vintage, equipped with a never-before-had walk-in closet, I am finally able to hang ALL of my clothes. No more seasonal rotating of clothes-packed RubberMaid totes. As I have not been required to wear business attire in the last 7 years or so, opening THOSE totes was a bit like time-traveling. Also, as I lost significant weight and am now in my second year of keeping it off, I’m challenged by the number of garments in the plus range. What do I do with this stuff? Get rid of it because it’s outdated and too big? Or hold on to it because it will return to current style and I to my previous weight? I know you keep bank receipts for 7 years…does such a rule apply here?

7 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...

i told my husband we aren' ever moving again unless we strike the lottery and i can afford to pay people to do it for me.

i hate and despise and loathe moving. unpacking is the worst. i think towels and cardboard boxes breed like bunnies when you turn out the lights.

Jennifer B. said...

OMG Shiloh, towels! You're so right. I don't recall ever having this many towels. LOL

Because I'm so NOT a pack rat, unpacking was relatively easy. No decisions about what to keep.

But! the thing that drove me most crazy? Countertops. I've said it before, a cluttered countertop makes me convulse. And during the move, anything and everything that didn't immediately get placed ended up on the counter. That was rough going. LOL

As for never moving again? I said that last house. Didn't work out for me.

Anonymous said...

I so feel for you Jennifer! I'm not a pack rat. If I haven't used it in the last six months, it goes. It's even hard for me to keep physical copies of my books because I've got them on ebook.

Hubby on the other hand keeps EVERYTHING. His side of the office drives me crazy on days when I'm in an anti clutter mode. Fortunately, those modes pass. *G*

Linda said...

Ooooo WALK-IN-CLOSET!!!! Woo Hoo! LOL

I can't get rid of anything unless I haven't worn it in over 10 years! You just never know. LOL Guess I'm a bit of a pack rat.

Rosie said...

When I went to Weight Watchers they suggested you get rid of the "fat" clothes as you replace them with skinny clothes. The thought being if you have them to grow into again...you will. I got rid of most of mine. The more expensive and/or loved articles of clothing I got altered one at time as I could afford it.

Jennifer B. said...

LOL Sarah! Same here. DH, and G for that matter, have to hide the stuff they don't want me to trash or donate. You can literally see the fear in their eyes when I go near their stuff.

That's good advice Rosie, I think I'll commit to that. Which, Linda, will free up at least half of that walk-in closet. LOL

Lori said...

SO totally jealous about the walk-in closet!! No fair!

My weight goes up and down so much, that when I first adhered to that WW advice, I had to replace all my pants several times. I end up keeping the skinny pants and needing to buy fat pants again. *rolling eyes* Oy.

For us, it's the kids who are total packrats, Jeff especially. That kid cannot get ri of anything. When we cleaned out his room, he still had toys that he had insisted on keeping from when he was 2!!