Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Returning to the fold...

Like Lori, I am back from my month-long hiatus. I’ve read a handful of fucking fabulous books (waving to KarenS), but lacked the mindset and time to chat them up. Because they are so fucking fabulous however, I’m going back in time to write the reviews. I started yesterday, penning a review for Ward’s Lover Revealed and a commentary on Megan Hart’s Dirty. Both were deeply affecting reads. Next up was to be Liu’s Eye of Heaven and Rachel Gibson’s Sex, Lies and Online Dating—the latter a sexy little find that caught me by surprise.

I planned to write them all up and post them in one fell swoop today.

Best laid plans…I’ll finish writing those up and post them later. Right now, I’m going to post a review written with feverish haste just this morning. Virtually His by Gennita Low. Where the others offered gritty emotion, mystical beings and a flirty romp, Low’s latest book provided a thrill ride that kept me up waaayyyyy past my bedtime last night. I read this book in one sitting and have yet to come down from the rush. Love when that happens.

Virtually His by Gennita Low

3 People Gabbed:

KateS said...

Woah, Jen, F-word there.

*shocked* ;-)

Jennifer B. said...

LOL! Actually, any and all use of the F-word is purely for KarenS' benefit. She digs it.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back Jen!