Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Nothing Personal by Jaci Burton

Nothing Personal by Jaci Burton
Length: Category.

It was nothing personal, just a business arrangement.

Ryan McKay is a multi-millionaire with a problem. He needs a bride to fulfill terms of his grandfather’s will. Unfortunately, the one he chose just bailed on him and he’s hours away from losing his company. Enter Faith Lewis - his shy, devoted assistant. Ryan convinces Faith to step in and marry him, assuring her their marriage is merely a business deal. Ryan is certain he can keep this strictly impersonal. After all, he’s the product of a loveless marriage and for years has sealed his own heart in an icy stone. Despite Faith’s warmth, compassion and allure, he’s convinced he’s completely immune to her charms.

Faith will do anything for her boss, but marry him? The shy virgin sees herself as plain and unattractive, a product of a bitter mother who drummed it into her head that she wasn’t worthy of a man’s love. But she agrees to help Ryan fulfill the terms of his grandfather’s will, hoping she doesn’t lose her heart to him in the process.

But love rarely listens to logic, and what follows is anything but business.

I really enjoyed this book. A fun, fast-paced read. Ms. Burton notes on her blog that she wrote this during a period when she was trying to be published in category, which explains the Harlequin/Silhouette feel to it. If you enjoy a good Silhouette Special Edition, then you'll really enjoy this story. I honestly have to say that it was category's loss not picking this one up. Huge.

The blurb tells you everything you need to know about the book and I'm not going to ruin it for you by telling you more of the plot. So, you can find it here, at Samhain Publishing, to buy it and read it for yourself or read an excerpt here.

My Grade: A.

Next Review(hopefully today or tomorrow): Under The Wire by Cindy Gerard.

1 People Gabbed:

reviewer said...

I almost bought this. Looks like I have been passing up on a lot of good ones.