Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rerun of ER- Rant

I am watching a rerun of ER where Dr. Gallant dies over in Iraq. A kid and his brother get beat by their dad and the older brother has to beat the dad with a baseball bat to get him to stop hitting his brother. The dad ends up dying. Well, Dr. Pratt goes off about how we can get an outrageous national debt because of the damn warn, billions of dollars wasted, because for some reason the president finds going over to Iraq killing people all in the name of democracy.

I have to say... I agree.

Hello? Saddam is gone and things over there weren't nearly as bad with HIM as they are now with the US over there. WTF??? Why not spend some of that money on our own freaking country to help the homeless, the abused, the sick, the unemployed, and those struggling to make it day to day because this war has f*cked the economy up royally.

Who are we to stick our noses in their business? The US? So effing what. They obviously don't want us over there, so get the hell out already. Some people can't take a hint.

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