Sunday, November 19, 2006

Guess My Book

Okay, okay. I guess it's my turn now. :)

The rules:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the text of the next six sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig around for that "cool" or "intellectual" book on your shelves. (I know you were thinking about it.) Just pick up whatever is closest.

Guess my book:

Evenings were spent at home in front of the fire or carousing in the bedroom. A man had a wife to account for and to account to. Eventually, he had kids and his obligations expanded. A married man had responsibilities. He had obligations. He had people, who cared about him. A married man was part of a bigger community. A married man belonged.

Hints: This is my absolute favorite book from one of my favorite authors of all time. She's got a phenomenal way with words and I am always one of the first in line to pick up her latest and greatest the instant it comes out. The book is part of a series, one that sits on my keeper shelf and I reread it often.

3 People Gabbed:

Lori said...

Ooh, ooh.... Promises Linger!!!!! Lurve me some Asa!

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm going to do this on my blog too *s*

Rowena said...

Man, I have no idea!