Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Word Of The Day... And More

Tetchy... meaning testy or irritable.

Gotta love it when one single word can sum up your mood... I'm assuming this also means bitchy? If so, that's me right now... well, that and tired.

: )

How is everyone lately? I've been scarce... trying to get things done with my writing and helping a friend with her stuff too. Work's been crazy since we went to getting paid by the line... gotta work your ass off to make any decent cash and I tell ya some days I just wanna be lazy.

Oh, and if you all hate expositional dialog (where an author tells you stuff rather than shows you stuff and sometimes tells you stuff you don't need to know... especially then... UGH) then don't read Suzanne Brockmann's Heart Throb. Exposition, exposition, and more exposition. Pages upon pages of shit we didn't need to know and yet she told us anyway. *sigh* I need to know about the live characters, not the *actor* characters the characters in the book are going to play in some move. Do we need to know the plot to said play? Nope. So why was it in there? Anybody know? It wasn't pertinent to the story... at least not what I could tell... I gave up trying to finish it. I just couldn't be arsed to read a book where the author was TELLING me about the story instead of SHOWING me either through internal dialog or conversation. ACK!

What's new with you all???

2 People Gabbed:

Lori said...

GASP. I actually really like Heart Throb. Of course I read it about a hundred years ago... I just remember really rooting for those two kids and hating her dad and wishing he'd just disappear off the face of the earth. (It's been so long I can't remember the characters' names, but you know who I mean - the young actor and actress...). I thought they stole the book, of course.

Sorry it's been so busy for you. I can relate. I'm still trying to get my reviews together for the books I read last month (hanging head in shame). No time.

How's school going for the kids so far?

Rosie said...

Just goes to show you everybody's different. I loved HEART THROB. Although, like Lori, I read it some time ago, it is one of those stories that stuck with me.

You sound tired. I remember those days well...there's more to do than there are hours in the day and you don't feel like you'll ever catch up.

Hope things get better.