Thursday, June 29, 2006

June TBR Challenge...

Title: Unmasking Kelly.

Author: NJ Walters.

Year published: 2006.

Why did you get this book? It was recommended to me by KellyA. I was reluctant to pick it up as it was a "short" book, but I'm glad I did.

Do you like the cover? Yes, he's got a really nice chest. : )

Did you enjoy the book? Yes, it was a quick, fast, HOT read.

Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again? I've read almost all of NJ's books and I will definitely continue to read them.

Are you keeping it or passing it on? As it's an ebook, I'm keeping it... but I will recommend it.

Anything else? Unmasking Kelly is available at Ellora's Cave.

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