Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Just Have To Say...

That if I ever meet this doctor who I am transcribing for on my Saturday of mandatory overtime I am going to pull her hair really, really hard and tell her she's a very, very bad dictator! Very bad!

I've gotta laugh because grrrrr otherwise I'd cry.

Miss you guys!

3 People Gabbed:

Lori said...

It's almost over, right? Just another couple of weeks in the office, then you can go back to working in your jammies, right? I miss you, too!!!

Jenster said...

When I did medical transcribing I thought doctors should have to go through dictation training!

Hey - if you DO get to pull her hair out will you get a picture and post it????

Anne said...

Okay, not sure anonymous was with this one, but LMAO!