Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Holy hell - how did this happen?!?!

I've been totally scarce lately, (as usual), but I'm scary busy planning this damned bar mitzvah. Jeff is plugging away practicing his torah portion, writing intellectual speeches, planning how to spend thousands of dollars in gift money (LOL), and helping with party details. I just mailed out invitations, and holy shit - the invitation list swelled to 200 effing people! How in the hell did that happen?!

Here's how... Jeff is the effing most popular kid on campus, I'm firmly convinced. I counted, and his list alone is close to 50. Half of which are the cutest damn girls you've ever seen... ahem... "the herd" as he calls them. Pardon? You read it right. "The herd". Flattering, no?

We had a photo session for his sign in board, and I have never seen him sparkle like that since he was about 2. I swear, he loved it. I'll get the proofs back at the end of the month, at which point I'll share them (privately of course). Some of them were simply fantastic. Others not so much LOL.

OK, back to the problem at hand. 200 invited guests. Aside from the expense of the party (nuff said), I really only expect about 175 will show up. BUT the major problem is that our temple will only hold 150! SHIT!! I'm so screwed. I really need to figure something out, and quickly, and I know that whatever it is will cost me MORE money.

3 People Gabbed:

Jenster said...

"The Herd"! Hahahahaha!!! That's funny!!! I love your kid!!

I don't know how to express it, but trust me. I have the appropriate sympathy for you right now. lol

Can't wait to hear how it all goes.

Anne said...

Oh dear Lord. The Herd. Snort. I can't wait to see those pictures. :-)

Maybe folding chairs in the back? Along the outside aisles? Eeek. I don't know how a temple is set up (I'm assuming same as my church would be just maybe smaller). I mean, 25-30 folding chairs would work, right? Doesn't the temple have stuff like that for functions? I know our church has folding chairs. I hope that idea helps! HUGS my friend!

Linda said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a 13 year old with a "herd". Aaaaahhhhhh. Good luck with the bar mitzvah, the temple seating, party and the "herd" (snort). Hugs sweetie.