Friday, April 18, 2008

The complete and utter day from hell

My company publishes and sells books into the K-12 market - to schools, teachers, etc. for inservicing, professional development, etc. Needless to say, with budget cuts all across the country in school districts, business is not altogether booming.

A couple months ago, our much beloved president resigned (although it was never said, general consensus is that it was over philosophical differences with corporate). A couple weeks ago, our (also beloved) editorial VP resigned (likely for the same reasons).

Today, a mandatory meeting was held as soon as we got into the office. Everyone approached with fear and trepidation. You know that when you see the CEO, the VP of HR, and the company's legal counsel all heading toward the meeting room, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Our corporate CEO announced layoffs (the first in company corporate history not associated with a decision to outsource a particular job, etc). We were told to go back to our desks and (paraphrasing here) wait for the call to go to "the room" to meet with HR.

Bottom line is close to 25% of our staff was laid off. I was incredible fortunate to be keeping my job today, but I'll tell you that that ol' feeling of job security I've had for the last 9 1/2 years? Gone. It also means I definitely won't be getting that new hire or help that I was so looking forward to. Guess those 60 hour work weeks won't be ending any time soon.

My heart goes out to my colleagues, and my friends who lost their jobs today. I will miss them, and I hope that they will be able to find work soon, and make ends meet for their families. It's a tough ecomomy out there.

6 People Gabbed:

Sarah McCarty said...


And such a shame for your colleagues. I hope the economy turns around soon for everyone.

Holly said...

Oh Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about the layoffs. I work for a mortgage company, so trust me when I say I feel your pain.

Big hugs, babe!!

Anne said...

Oh my God! I'm so sorry to hear about this! After you told me about the VP, I was a bit fearful for you... now it's justified. I send you HUGE HUGS! I'm glad you got to keep your job, even if it is a gazillion hours a week!

Sending my love to you, friend!

Gail said...

(((Lori))) Glad you were one of the lucky ones. Jus thinking- who gonna do the jobs of the people let go? Yikes!

Linda said...

(((Lori))) Sorry to hear about this happening with your company. Glad you still have your job though. I just hope for your sake those 60 hour weeks don't get even longer. As Gail said, who's going to do the jobs of those people who did get laid off? You, probably. Stay strong. I'm sending comforting thoughts and prayers.

Rosie said...

Lori, I so sorry about your day from hell. I'm guessing you still feel a bit in shock. GG's company whose business is directly tied to consumer spending, went through this last year. So, what Holly said...I feel your pain too. I hope things settle down a bit and you can rest easy.