Tuesday, April 15, 2008

American Idol... DUDE!

I totally dig David Cook. He is amazing. I don't know if I want him to win American Idol though, because then he can't do his own thing. Know what? I love him as much as I love Daughtry. Yeah, that's saying a lot. David Cook could sing the alphabet and I'd love it. Dig him. Totally.

Jason Castro did great tonight. Very nice.

Kristy Lee Cook- Loved it. I thought she did GREAT... much better than I expected.

Syesha- Great. Nicely done. Not outstanding, but very nice.

Brooke- Dear God, gag me, stab me in the eye with a flaming hot poker. Horrid.

Carly- Dude, you should have nailed that song. You screamed and yelled instead of sang and ruined it. You are capable of making that song fab and you didn't do it. I'm with Simon... disappointed.

David A- Dude, you are so a Christian/gospel singer. I can't imagine you making it mainstream or pop, but I think you'd be HUGELY successful doing Christian/gospel music.

Bottom three to me? Carly, Brooke, and David A.

Who do I think will be in the bottom three? Carly, Brooke, and Kristy.

Who should go home? Brooke.

1 People Gabbed:

Kristie (J) said...

I decided to boycott the rest of AI after last week I was that upset. Instead I'll just catch the performances on YouTube - so thanks for the link!