Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Equivalent of a Straightjacket

Where the FUCK! is Spring?!?

I am dying here....

7 People Gabbed:

Linda said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I was just noticing how all our trees are in bloom. It's Spring in Chattanooga. Hugs, Sweetie. Hope it warms up soon to melt away all that snow. Um, but then won't you have a lot of mud?

Jennifer B. said...

I will lay down face first in the mud, it it will only get here.

Anne said...

It's STILL not warming up? Not even a teeny tiny bit? HUGS GIRLFRIEND! I feel for you, seriously. our snow has finally melted down quit a ways. Thank goodness. You and Shannon Stacey are in the same boat. have you been to her blog? Oye. Snow OVER THE TOP of her mustang. I shit you not.

Anne said...

OH... JB Said the F word. GASP!!

Sarah McCarty said...

I don't see no stinking f word. *G*


Kristie (J) said...

I can't help you with the snow - we have our own here and I just heard they are calling for more tomorrow.
"But I do love your polls" she said trying to lighten the mood. "I vote every time I see a new one."

Jennifer B. said...

LOL Anne! And Sarah? You've HEARD me use the F word. *g*

KristieJ - I think we're in the weather pattern right before you, so I'll let you know when summer arrives (as Spring has been cancelled). The polls are great aren't they? Those are Anne's and I can't wait to see her write-up of the results.