Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ebay Suckage and BS

First- As Sarah McCarty is a friend of mine, I know this eBay auction is total crap. I don't know if after you pay, you get a notice that this is a preorder item and it will be delivered when the book is released or what, but I can tell you that the author hasn't even received the ARCs of this book yet, so don't order from this person.

Second, if I got an ARC of one of La Nora's books, there's no way in hell I'd be selling it. Greedy bastards. This ticks me off beyond reason. Why? Because it's illegal damn it, and whoever this person is, was trusted with the ARC. Bastards.

3 People Gabbed:

Kristie (J) said...

I've a few ARC and I would never part with them - NEVER. 'Cause they are from the authors themselves and that makes them special.
I think it bites that people do this too. Smacks of greediness.

Stacy~ said...

I've been lucky enough to get ARCs and I would never consider selling them. Those that do are greedy and just plain wrong.

Gail said...

I went looking for the Sarah one and apparently it's down now. See, ya done good!