Monday, February 04, 2008


Do you ever get the feeling you don't fit in anywhere? I'm feeling that way lately. It's an odd feeling and one I wish would go far, far away.

7 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Everyone does at one time or other.

Anonymous said...

Go and get some low fat cheesecake, it almost tastes like the real thing! (((hugs!)))

Linda said...

{{{Anne}}} Can you feel all your friends closing in around you for a group hug?

I've gotta say though, I've always felt like I didn't fit in. To me, that's normal.

~ames~ said...

Big hugs!! Hopefully the feeling doesn't last long.

Jennifer B. said...

Nudging into this group hug......{{{Anne}}}}

I love you Friend!

Lori said...

what JB said :)

I've felt that way a lot lately, too!

Anonymous said...

Off and on most of my life, but I kinda prefer it that way. Antiosocial type that I can be, it makes things easier for me.

But it can suck at times.