Saturday, February 16, 2008

The great shave debate... and why my DH is watching North & South with me this weekend

YoHow do you all feel about stubble? On your man's face? Personally, I love 2 day's growth. It looks sexy, and feels {{shudder}} heavenly. Much past that, and we're into beard territory. So, Bob is a lazy shaver. He's a Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday kinda guy so that he only has to get up early twice a week. Well, it seems that he decided over a long weekend about 3 weeks ago that lazy is really good, and why get up early to shave at all?

Me? While I love the stubbly thing... the beard? Just doesn't do it for me. Even though it looks nice, the ends hurt when I kiss him, and it feels like I'm in bed with somebody else. Not something I've really ever fantasized about (ok, well if it was Harrison Ford in his Han Solo days, I might make an exception, but there you have it - no beard!).

So, I'm on strike.

No shaving my legs. No kissy-face.

Grizzly - no?I want my hubby back. My clean-shaven hubby. Not Grizzly Adams. We've been down this road before. I always give in first. Mostly because I can't stand looking at my legs, and have you ever had that sensation when your leg hair rubs the wrong way? Horrors! Plus, I like kissy-face.

But he always shaves in the end.

In the meantime, he feels pretty guilty because he knows I don't like the beard, so guess who is watching the chick-flick with me this weekend? Neener-neener! He did ask if he was required to keep his eyes open the whole time. This from the man who rented Gosford Park? (side note: I was the one who fell asleep during that one!)

Oh, and if you don't think stubble is sexy, check out the cover of Sylvia Day's latest... *please pass the ice*

Im Tempted already!

5 People Gabbed:

Sarah McCarty said...

Facial hair… *Shudder*

I'd be on strike too!

Anne said...

Okay, I love stubble. Love. It. It's sexy as hell. I also love those soul patches... goatees, even the occasional mustache (depending on who it's on). But a full-fledged beard? And for no reason other than he didn't want to shave? Eh, no thanks. Some women around here deal with their husband growing full beards during deer hunting season and that's a good excuse- keeps the face warmer-but other than that, ick... and even then, ick.

Jenster said...

I like the stubble, too. And as far as the no leg shaving thing, it doesn't really do much. He could care less. Well, except if maybe it was shorts season and I was going out in public with hairy legs. But as far as in bed and all, he just wants to get lucky - hairy legs or no.

Remember in Bull Durham when Tim Robbins was singing, "Young girls, they do get wooly"? I've heard that a time or two. LOL

Holly said...

Stubble can be good, for sure. But beard? And mustache? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Gross. I think they're disgusting and feel NASTY during "kissy face". Blech.

Funnily enough, just a couple weeks ago MM and I had the same exact issue..over a mustache. But I just flat out refused to kiss him and he only kept it overnight. LOL So gross. :(

~ames~ said...

Stubble is good. :P

I can't wait to read Don't Tempt Me!!

Hope you enjoy North & South.