Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Desktop Meme

I got tagged for this by Holly.

Lori's desktop - Abbey Road

My desktop is a shot of the outside of Abbey Road Studios in London. Bob took this one day when I was working. I love it. If you look closely, you can see the dedications to the Beatles and John Lennon in particular. It's really cool. Right outside is the famous crosswalk from the cover of the Abbey Road album. People just go out into the middle of the street and take pictures.

I'm notorious for storing stuff on my desktop and then dumping it later. I have a ton of work files, and Bob has a bunch of music files that Page has sent him. Both are "kinda" backed up via emails and the like, so if the computer took a dump we'd be somewhat ok, but still, it's not the safest route in the world. I'm just too damn lazy to go digging for my stuff. Especially when I have a work file to get to. And I'm just really bad at cleaning up after myself, truth be told. Most of that stuff can be deleted (and believe it or not, this is actually pretty clean! You should see my desktop at work LOL!!).

Here's how you play:

A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key). Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of icons. Things like that.

C. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

D. Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants.

So, I am going to tag:


The list of Free Viewers so far is:

* iRonnie - I Set No Corner
* Thess - Thesserie
* Rebecca - Skippy Heart
* Knoizki - A Dialogue With K
* Beng - Kauderwelch
* Tina- My Good Finds
* Rachel - Heart of Rachel
* Alice - Hello, My Name Is Alice
* Julia - Julia's Books Corner!
* Darla - Nichtszusagen
* Marg - Reading Adventures
* Holly - What Were You Expecting
* Lori - Let's Gab

3 People Gabbed:

Dev said...

Nice desktop, Lori! I really like it :D

Anonymous said...

Waaah! I'm not normally totally technically lame but I can't get a screen cap. I can't do it on my desktop anyway because it's my Spice cover and we aren't supposed to show it yet (sigh) but on my laptop it's Julian McMahon (Dr. Troy) who is the inspiration for my current hero.

I may throw myself on my husband's mercy to see if he'll help me.

Lori said...

Awwww, c'mon, Lauren, we won't tell :) Show us that desktop *g*