Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Farewell to a President

We lost another of our dignified leaders late last night. President Gerald Ford passed away at 93. He brought the country back together at a time when we so desperately needed it. My thoughts and prayers are with the Ford family.

I'm suddenly aware that the only living former presidents now are Carter, Clinton, and Bush the 1st. And Jimmy Carter, although very healthy and hale, is not getting any younger. Once he is gone, we will truly have lost all the real statesmen - the men who appeared to be in it for the good of our country, not for themselves (I'm still on the fence about Bush the 1st; although I didn't like his politics, I think he is a gentleman, at least).

The first president's death that I truly remember was Truman. I remember an announcement being made over the loudspeaker at school. It was such a huge deal. We all knew who Truman was. They don't make announcements at the schools these days when former presidents die. Most children today don't know the names of former presidents, aside from Washington and Lincoln. What a shame. We will discuss President Ford at the dinner table tonight. My children deserve to know about him. And he deserves to be remembered by new and future generations as somebody other than a Chevy Chase caricature.

Farewell, Mr. President. May you rest in peace.

1 People Gabbed:

Linda said...

We've been watching a lot of commentary about Ford today. You're right, he does deserve to be remembered as more than a bumbling president compliments of Chevy Chase.

Your comment about hearing of Truman's death in school made me remember hearing about Kennedy's death when I was in school. Living in DC at the time, it had a major impact. Remembering that school was cancelled, I began wondering if schools closed all over the country. Lori, can you ask any Californians who are of an age to remember? *grin* I know you're too young.
