Friday, July 07, 2006

Forcible Rape? Or Forced Seduction?

Wow. There is a very interesting discussion going on at SquawkRadio today, sparked by an episode of Rescue Me, starring the fabulous Denis Leary, who I believe was nominated for an Emmy this morning. Apparently there was a scene in Rescue Me where he pushes his ex-wife onto the couch and then forces her to have sex. Was it rape? Or because she stopped fighting near the end, was it consensual? And how does this all relate to "forced seduction" scenes in romance novels? All the comments are really interesting, especially once a NYPD SVU officer put in his .02.

How about you? What do you think about it?

1 People Gabbed:

Shakespeares Sister said...


I saw the scene you're talking about. It was kind of horrible and kind of hot. I got the feeling Leary's character was trying to force his apathetic-acting ex-wife to admit to the tension lingering between them. I don't know--I've never been one to be impressed by such scenes, and most times I find them repugnant. But being that it was Dennis Leary's character, who is all too human and no kind of poster child for the romantic hero, and knowing the character of his wife, it seemed more ravishment than rape, especially because she seemed kind of into it even as she was wrestling with him. But the line is so fine, you just can't be too careful with that stuff as an author. So you'll probably never find that type of scene in my books. :-)
