Monday, May 15, 2006

It's Monday

What a thrill. Not. Monday's are so not fun for me. It means there are five full days until the weekend... five full days until my next day off. Oye.

My week is going to be busy. Lots to do in preparation for my son's Confirmation next weekend and lots of edits to finish this week... June is right around the corner.... EEK!

My to-do list for this week...

1. Edits, edits, edits!
2. Groom dogs.
3. Clean office... ick.
4. Steam out son's Confirmation robe.
5. Grocery shopping for party.
6. Youngest son doctor appt on Thurs.
7. Weed the flower beds and trim rose bushes outside (Only if it stops raining).
8. Plant Gladiola bulbs (if the rain stops).

What's on your to-do list this week?

3 People Gabbed:

Ann said...



That's what's on my list.

Of course, I will think of you while I'm dancing wildly with the scantily clad super-hunky romance cover models. I will.


Anne said...

I sense some bragging in that reply, Ann. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I see how you really are. LOL Have a fabulous time!

Karen Scott said...

Work, Work, and more work! Oh however, I am going out on Friday with ma ladies!