Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Finally America Got It Right!

Well, the voting for American Idol finally went the way it should... KEVIN IS GONE! Booted! The old heave-ho! Hasta lavista, baby! You're outta here sucker! Wooo hooo! Finally.. finally America got it right!

Can you tell I'm excited? Happy? Thrilled? Ecstatic???? Justice has been served. Bye bye, Chicken Little... and good luck (you're gonna need it).

4 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! You are waayyyy too vested in this show.

Sarah, who does not get the appeal in the least

Anne said...

I jumped up and down and pumped my fist in the air and yelled "YES!!!" when Ryan said that Kevin was the one with the least amount of votes. It was a moment worth savoring *G* LOL!!!

Kristie (J) said...

Now it's going to get tough though 'cause I really like ALL the rest of them. In past years there weren't all that many that I cared for, but I don't know - I hope I don't start crying when they call out their name like Paula does.

Anne said...

Katie- I was soooo psyched when Ryan said it was Kevin... I think Bucky or Lisa will be next... I guess if I had to say which one I wanted to go next, I'd say Lisa because she's such a prissy girl.

Karen- He sucked donkey balls is EXACTLY right!! LOL See ya dork boy! LOL

Kristie- I think the next two weeks won't be so bad, but after that it's going to get hard... I think the next two to go will be Bucky and Lisa, not sure of order, but after that it's going to be hard as hell to know which one will leave. THAT is going to be hard.