Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I Can't Be Arsed**.....

Okay, so I read a couple books lately but I can't be arsed** to review them. Why? Because they just weren't that great. Where to begin....

Superstition by Karen Robards-- Great beginning, enough to give me nightmares, but get a few more chapters in and the story loses its edge. I couldn't be arsed** to finish it. I like Karen Robards and I feel this was not some of her best work.

Too Wilde To Tame by Janelle Denison-- Instead of reading this one, I skimmed it and I felt I came out in the end with the same story as someone who read the entire book. Why? Too much narraration and too many damn details. So, I read the good points and skipped the rest. Don't get me wrong, I normally enjoy the Wilde series books but this one just didn't seem as good as the previous stories.

Romeo by Gail Faulkner-- Okay, a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but I have to say the hero was whiny. A man who is not afraid to cry I can live with because that shows a man who is confident with who he is, but a man who whines? *Cringe* No thanks. Good story, wrong kind of hero.

In The Garden series by Nora Roberts-- Just not up to NR standards. Too much gardening going on... I felt like an expert after the first book. LOL I couldn't be arsed** to read the second one because even my Mom didn't like it and she's fairly easy to please as a reader. I won't even bother with the third.

So there are a few books I've read as of late that I can't be arsed** to review and a few of the reasons why. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who absolutely enjoyed these books, unfortunately I'm not one of them.

Anyone out there who has read a book that just didn't meausre up? Anyone out there agree or disagree? Feel free to give your opinion, whether it agrees with mine or not. I'm interested in what others have to say.

**Thank you KarenS for getting me hooked on that phrase. Everyone around me thinks I'm a freak when I use it... I live in Wisconsin. LOL!

3 People Gabbed:

Anonymous said...

You know what didn't measure up for me Anne? And it was a great disappointment...Slow Burn by Julie Garwood. First book in a very long time that I opted not to finish.

Anne said...

Oh Great... I've got that on my TBR Shelf.. Maybe it's one that I'll have to skip.

Karen Scott said...

I just finished reading Thea Devine's Sensation. A more ridiculous book I've yet to come across. I'm almost tempted to mail the damn thing to you so you can appreciate how truly stupid it was. It was that bad, it doesn't even deserve a shitty review.

As for usage of 'Arse', may you go forth and arse away to your heart's content!