Thursday, March 06, 2008

American Idol... My Thoughts & Junk

It was 80s week! One would think that meant there'd have been some awesomeness sung by way of rock and pop... but, alas, it was not so, but rather much gloominess with sad/slow songs/ballads. Le sigh. I wanted some upbeat fun. Anyway...

Luke sucked. I mean really, really sucked this week. While he looks much like Orlando Bloom, his hottie-ness isn't going to keep him there to make the top 12 I'm afraid.

David Archuletta- He's young, he can sing, and all the girlies are hot for him. This wasn't his best week, and I do agree with Simon that he's clinging to the sad songs too much. Let's hope next week he turns it up a bit. He's amazing.

Chikezie- He was good. He reminds me somewhat of Luther Vandross, but he's lacking that little extra something-something to make him as good. Will he make the top 12? Hard to say.

Danny- Well, he did better than last week. He's a good singer, but I think he'd do better on Broadway where he could act as well as sing. Just my opinion.

David Cook- Rock it up, baby! He showed his skill, that's for sure. I thought he was the best of the night. While he's not the best looking guy around, he's got charisma and spark and all that it takes to be a star.

David Hernandez- Did you know he used to be a stripper? Yep, my friend Cindy told me. It explains a lot to me--why he thinks he's hotter than he really is. He's alright looking and he's a good singer and he is one of the three I think are in danger.

Jason Castro- Amie totally digs him. He's a different kind of singer than I generally like, but he IS good. I'm pretty sure he's safe tonight.

Michael Johns- Aussie hottie. He made the song his own and it worked. Not his best, but it was good.

The girls...

Syesha- Like Simon, I wasn't at all surprised by her song choice. She pulled off an upbeat Whitney Houston song and she did it very, very well. She hit the high note.

Ramiele- I love this girl. Such a petite little thing with such a huge voice. I agree with Randy that she hesitates, and with her voice as big as it is now, wait til she lets it all hang out!

Kristy Lee Cook- She hasn't found the right song. She did Journey proud with that song though, I must say. I was expecting it to be icky, but I totally dug it. (Not sure what my fascination is lately with the word "dig"... so, sorry.)

Kady Malloy- Stab me in the eye with a hot poker. If they tell Daughtry and others in the past they shouldn't sing a not-so-popular song, then why on Earth would you choose to do the same darn thing? It didn't help her but rather hurt her. I think it may be her turn to leave, though she should have been gone last week instead of Alaina. We'll see.

Carly- What's to say? She's the best! Honestly, I couldn't remember the song, but it didn't matter. She rocked it up with style.

Brooke- Sigh. Not my style, and I, personally, didn't like her version of the song. No one can sing it up like Pat Benetar... except I can see Carly doing it... not Brooke. Bottom 2? *hopes*

Asia'h- Again, not my style. She can sing, it's just the tone of her voice that bothers me. She didn't hit the high Whitney note and I don't know why she'd even try that song. Seriously. Her voice is not big enough for that. Bottom 2?

Amanda- She did good. The dancing not so good, but she sang the song well. I think she'll stick around... maybe.


Bottom 4 for boys- Luke, Danny, David Hernandez, and Chikezie.
Bottom 4 for girls- Kady, Asia'h, Brooke, and Amanda.

We'll find out in a couple hours if I'm right or totally off my ass. :-)

3 People Gabbed:

Gail said...

Yep, its a guilty pleasure of mine this year. No idea why. I can't remember the names, unless I'm lookin at them and Ryan S has just said it. I did like the nurse with interesting hair this week. Didn't before. Fell asleep during the guys again. Tells me I'm not that into them.

Thank you Anne for feeding my addition, even if I am pitiful with the names.

Anonymous said...

LOL Gail i have to take notes!

Anne....I think Jason's just adorable but I'm a sucker for younger men, I have a thing for shy men and that voice *sighdrool*

Anonymous said...

Did you know that David was a stripped in a strip joint that catered to men. Old wrinkly men at that. Can we possibly be gay?